Have you been refused planning permission?

Don't give up! We can help you appeal the decision

We understand how frustrating it is to have your planning application refused. Especially if the case officer didn’t try to help you and if the refusal does not seem fair. 

All of our chartered town planners have degrees in planning and have worked both as case officers in local councils and in the private sector so they stand the best chance of success with your planning appeal.

They have approved and refused applications just like yours, countless times.

We offer a simple, fast and straightforward appeal service. We will prepare, submit and manage your entire appeal for you, for a fee of £399. 

A single, upfront fee. No extras. No hidden costs.

See below for more information on how our appeal service works.

Get in touch

How our planning appeal process works

1) Easily order online

Once you have purchased the service online, we will be in touch via e-mail to obtain further information.

2) Dedicated town planner

Your own chartered town planner will produce a written report (of around 1,500 words) explaining why the council’s decision is wrong.

They will send it to you to review within 7 working days.

3) Appeal submission

Once the appeal statement has been finalised, your consultant will submit the appeal online. They will also manage all liaison with the council and the appeal inspector.

4) The Appeal inspection

The only thing you need to do is give access to the appeal inspector for a site visit – this is just a 5-10 minute inspection and the inspector will not discuss the case with you.

5) The council's decision

The inspector will consider the plans, the council’s decision and the appeal statement​​ and come to a decision.

Decisions for householder appeals take around 3 months (check with us for up to date timings).

If you appeal is not successful, we will explain why the inspector did not grant permission and provide some advice on your options.

The inspector may indicate how a proposal might be changed or improved. If so, we would normally recommend you revise the design and submit a new application to the council.

View a sample appeal statement

Are you unsure about appealing against your planning refusal?

There is no point in appealing unless you have a good case and can present that case well.

If you are not sure whether you have a good case and would like some independent advice, consider our £99 case review service.

Planning appeal FAQs

Around 70,000 planning applications are refused in England & Wales every year. Only 20% of those decisions are appealed – most people just give up. Of the decisions that are appealed, around 40% are successful (planning permission is granted). Some people don’t appeal because they assume the council knows what it is doing. Others can’t afford expensive consultants or don’t know how to go about it.

We charge just £399 to prepare, submit and manage your appeal.

A single, upfront fee. No extras. No hidden costs.

It is mainly aimed at householders who are appealing against a refusal of planning permission for an extension. Our £399 service is not for large schemes or complicated proposals.

But we can help with those too – just contact us for a quote.

You get the services of a chartered town planner. All of our planners have degrees in planning and have worked both as case officers in local councils and in the private sector. They have approved and refused applications just like yours, countless times. They will produce a written report (of around 1,500 words) explaining why the council’s decision is wrong. They will submit the appeal and manage all liaison with the council and the appeal inspector.