Terms & Conditions

Myplanningappeal.co.uk is a trading name of Spinlove Limited.

All commissions undertaken by Spinlove Limited are subject to the following terms and conditions except where changes are agreed in writing. Please refer to any email discussions with your consultant for amended or additional terms.

Spinlove Limited (the Company) prides itself on delivering a quality service and on maintaining high standards of client care. However, the Client agrees and accepts that outcomes cannot be guaranteed because of the nature and uncertainties of planning procedure and legislation.

The Company undertakes to keep the Client advised of the progress of work at reasonable intervals and will respond promptly to any communications from the Client during the course of the commission.

The Client undertakes to assist by supplying upon request all relevant and necessary information, documents, plans and material within a reasonable time. The Company shall not be held responsible for any delays incurred while awaiting such information.

The Client accepts that the time taken by the Planning Inspectorate to determine an appeal is uncertain and the company is not responsible for delays in the determination of appeals once they have been submitted.

Planning appeals must be submitted within predetermined timeframes. The Company shall not be held responsible for failure to submit an appeal within these deadlines where the Client has not provided necessary information, made agreed payments or responded to communications in a timely manner.

In some circumstances, the Company will make use of information and plans previously prepared for the Client by other consultants (such as an architect). It is the responsibility of the Client to secure any relevant permissions for the use of material produced by a third party.

The Company is not responsible for any errors or deficiencies in plans or documents produced by a third party and cannot be held responsible if plans are rejected or held to be deficient by a planning authority, the Planning Inspectorate or a planning inspector.

Most work is on a fixed fee basis, though some work may be charged at an hourly rate. Details of fees, success fees (if any) and payment schedules will be agreed up front and confirmed by email.

If it becomes necessary to carry out additional work outside of the agreed brief (or if you request additional work to be undertaken), then this work will involve additional fees. In such circumstances, details will be confirmed by email.

Where it has been agreed between the Company and the Client that another consultant or consultants (such as an architect, traffic expert or tree specialist) should be sub-contracted by or on behalf of the Client, the Client shall have full responsibility for the payment of any fees, expenses or charges due to the said consultant(s) for work carried out for or on behalf of the Client.

Where any statutory fees are due to be paid to local authorities or other bodies in respect of any applications or appeals such fees shall be the responsibility of the Client and the Company shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of such fees. The Company is not responsible if the time period during which an appeal may be made expires, or if an appeal is invalid, because of a failure by the Client to pay an appeal fee.

All advice provided by the Company is provided in good faith. The Company will not take on a case that it is does not believe has a reasonable chance of success.

In the case of planning appeals, the inspector has the power to make an award of costs against either party. Your consultant may recommend that you seek costs from the Council if that is appropriate. However, it is the client’s responsibility to inform the company if the client feels that a claim for costs should be made. The Company is not liable for any award of costs made by the Planning Inspectorate against the Client.

If you have a complaint, please email us at info@myplanningappeal.co.uk with full details. Your complaint may be made in writing, through this website or via e-mail.